Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Radical Experiment

I just finished reading Radical by Pastor of Brook Hills Church in Birmingham, Alabama, David Platt.  The book subtitled Taking Your Faith Back from the American Dream.  He poses the question, have we gotten comfortable with prioritizing ourselves with making money and having a nice home, car, and possessions, while ignoring the 4.5 non-believers? Radical Website

The last chapter of the book offers a challenge to its readers, entitled the Radical Experiment.  It is a year-long commitment with five challenges:
  • Pray for the entire world
  • Read through the entire Word
  • To commit our lives to multiplying community
  • To sacrifice our money for a specific purpose
  • To give our time in another context

Click on this link for more resources and information on the Radical Experiment

A few friends and I will be starting this one year-long challenge son, after we all finish the book.

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